2025 50 State Afterschool Network Leaders Meeting
Monday April 14, 2025 1:30pm - 3:00pm MDT
What type of data should states be collecting to demonstrate impact?  How are they collecting, organizing, and using data for policy, research, and quality improvement?  This session will feature an in-depth look at Missouri’s data collection systems providing inspiration and guidance for other states wanting to implement similar practices.  Then, Georgia will demonstrate the maps created from their program level data collection efforts, along with reports and materials featuring their BOOST grant data.  Finally, Iowa will share how they used their state specific data as a powerful tool to help tell their afterschool impact stories in their State of Afterschool Research Report.
avatar for Terri Foulkes

Terri Foulkes

Executive Director, Missouri AfterSchool Network
Terri Foulkes is the Network Lead for the Missouri AfterSchool Network.  The Missouri AfterSchool Network builds systems across the state that improve, support, and sustain high quality afterschool programs.
Monday April 14, 2025 1:30pm - 3:00pm MDT
Hawk ABC

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