2025 50 State Afterschool Network Leaders Meeting
Tuesday April 15, 2025 11:10am - 12:40pm MDT
How are other states advocating for change, leveraging campaigns, and driving action? In this session, you will hear from state networks about their advocacy efforts. We’ll look at effective components of campaigns and state networks’ strategies to increase grassroots action and engage with policymakers. What were their goals and messages, what communications tactics did they use, and what was their impact? Breakout groups will discuss specific tactics in more depth. Attend this session to help you work on your own advocacy strategy, whether you’re planning for the future or looking for ways to hone your current efforts.

Annie Cornett

Consultant, Social Legends

Ursula Helminski

Sr VP External Affairs, Afterschool Alliance

Laurie Lennon

Sr VP of Communications, Burness

Maria Rizo

Afterschool Alliance
Tuesday April 15, 2025 11:10am - 12:40pm MDT
Eagle AB

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